Today, I am writing at The Humbled Homemaker Loving Your Family Well in the Midst of Busy Seasons. Here is an excerpt: Life is busy. Different seasons in…
Today, I am writing at The Humbled Homemaker Loving Your Family Well in the Midst of Busy Seasons. Here is an excerpt: Life is busy. Different seasons in…
I pray that everyone has a wonderful day! My friends in the US, I pray that you have a very blessed Thanksgiving! May God richly bless you all. I have…
Happy Thanksgiving! I can hardly believe that it is here again. I am thankful for so many things. We are so blessed. I am thankful for you, my readers, the…
Please welcome Shari from Leaving a Legacy Blog. I have been blessed by her blog and I know you will be too… Hello, my name is Shari and I…
Today we remember…we remember those who have fought for our freedom and those who have given their lives to preserve our freedom. May we never forget their sacrifice and fight…
This week…thoughts point toward Sunday. The greatest gift of love, mercy, and forgiveness ever given. This song says it all “What Love is This” by Kari Jobe Joy Dare…are taking…