Sale is over, but please browse through and see some of the products that were featured. I hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving {if you are here in the…
Sale is over, but please browse through and see some of the products that were featured. I hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving {if you are here in the…
Bundle & Giveaway are now over (Nov. 3, 2012), but check out all the wonderful resources that you can still purchase individually. The amazing Healthy Living ebook Bundle is almost…
Pumpkins, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking. Yummy. My oldest son and I decided to make something with pumpkin and baked cookies. What a special way to spend time together talking and working…
Image via FreeDigitalPhotos.net, Praisaeng If you missed the previous days in the series, find them here: Day 1 ~ Introduction and Free Gift Day 2 ~Favorite Oils Day 3 ~Natural First Aid Kit…
Image via FreeDigitalPhotos.net, Praisaeng Summer…what fun it brings! Carefree days by the pool or lake… time together as a family. Wonderful memories are made! To enjoy your time with family, make sure you…
Today I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Swap. You’ll find me posting about Lavender Essential Oil {with a Giveaway} at Coping With Frugality, and I’m excited to welcome Lisa from Warrior Mama…