Welcome to Day 2 of our 4 day series on Getting Fit and Healthy! On Day 1, we talked about setting reasonable goals. Today, we are to talk about getting…
Welcome to Day 2 of our 4 day series on Getting Fit and Healthy! On Day 1, we talked about setting reasonable goals. Today, we are to talk about getting…
Welcome to this 4 day series to help you Get Fit and Healthy. I am teaming up with iHomeschool Network. Find out more at the end of this post. The…
Henry Ford July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947 Henry Ford was supposed to be a farmer, but he had other dreams and plans. Born on July 30, 1863…
Today I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Swap. You’ll find me posting about Lavender Essential Oil {with a Giveaway} at Coping With Frugality, and I’m excited to welcome Lisa from Warrior Mama…
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful, blessed day!! Just a few things for this busy week that will hopefully bless your home and family… Simplify Your Family…
Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party with 5 Minutes for Mom! I am so glad you are here! I hope The Encouraging Home will provide of place of renewal for…