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I am happy to have Sandra Wallace of Better Living Natural Health guest post today. She is a longtime friend and our natural health practitioner…

Are you rusty?

Are You Rusty? {Guest Post}

Really and truly…we all are.  Meaning that we all need “antioxidants”.  That’s what an antioxidant is: anti-rust!

One of the best antioxidants out there is green tea.  Green tea has been documented for hundreds of years as a common “medicine” in China.  The Chinese have used this for everything from depression to cancer. That’s how good for you it is!

I use green tea on a pretty regular basis. One of the first things that I find is that my digestion and energy improve.  Aka: a flatter stomach! Yay!  (This is the “vain” use for the product!)  The other improvement that I see, is more energy. More stamina. This is the everyday “side-effects” that I reap.

There have also been studies that the University of Maryland have reported research that revealed  decreased cancer cells-especially breast cancer and prostate. Read more about the benefits of Green Tea here.  It discusses lowering your cholesterol, benefits for arthritis, blood clots and on and on!

What makes green tea so wonderful?  Polyphenols!  I love that movie!  Oh, wait…that is Pollyanna.  Not Poly-phenols!  Either way, they both make you feel better. 😉

This is what makes green tea so POWERFUL.  There are many forms of green tea on the market nowadays.  But one of the BEST is the PRL Green Tea ND.  This form has been “nanized”.  Formulated with a probiotic built in for you to almost immediately reap the benefits.  1/2 tsp. contains 103 mg of those polyphenols!  With no preservatives!  An average green tea drink?  Usually about 5 mg.  So do your calculations!!

There are actually so many health research benefits on green tea and polyphenols out that it would be hard to list them here!

Let me warn you though…don’t drink it right before bed because there is enough natural caffeine in it that it could mess with your sleep.  I love it during the day. And I know that I’m getting such a surge of benefits from it that a little caffeine doesn’t bother my conscience one bit!

I hope all you “Soon-to-be” anti-rusty people out there have a wonderful day and week!!

And to prove I practice this and not just preach it….

Have a healthy day!



{{Mary here…I love using this brand of green tea. I feel so much better when I use it.  I make a drink like the one pictured above with liquid B vitamins, vitamin d and Coquinol. I can’t believe the difference in the way I feel!}}


Sandra Wallace is a homeschooling mom of six and a natural healthcare practitioner at Better Living Natural Health Clinic. Her life was changed years ago after her poor health was turned around by a natural practitioner. She wanted to carry on the practice for the sake of her family and friends. Her practice has grown and she has helped many people. She is a NES Practitioner and certified in Homeopathy. Connect with her on facebook.


I would love to connect with you everyday on facebook, twitter, pinterest.

I’m linking up with: Living Well, Frugally Sustainable, Healthy 2Day Wednesdays

Mary Clendenin

Mary Clendenin lives on the family farm with her husband and 2 sons, whom she home schools. She enjoys farm life with her guys, gardening and making memories with her family. She loves to help others learn how to live a healthier lifestyle, learn about natural remedies and how to do business at home. Mary believes that home and family is your first ministry and a legacy that will live on long after you are gone.


    • Connie says:

      We love green tea….but I wasn’t aware of so many benefits. Thank you for sharing all this amazing info.

  • I haven’t tried green tea in a long time. I’m working with a naturopathic physician and she’s really helping me turn my health around. The one big thing I have to quit is coffee and that’s been hard. Maybe I’ll give this green tea a try again. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂

  • Jennifer says:

    I’m curious, and sorry that this isn’t really about gren tea..but I’ve recently taken a remedy of Sepia (sp?) and am taking milk thistle tincture twice a day for the next 2 weeks. This is my 4th day (and last) on the Sepia. I have noticed a great improvement in my energy andm focus, thank God! But I’ve also had a HUGE increase in my appetite. Could this be part of the effects of the remedy/herbs? Or is it just sort of coincidental? Thanks!!