Welcome to the redesign of The Encouraging Home! It should be completed soon. Thank you for your patience. You can still access my original blog here.
I pray that you had a wonderful New Year’s celebration with your loved ones. 2011 was a very difficult year for our family and we are looking forward to 2012. The Lord taught us many things this past year, most of all to trust in Him alone. We pray that 2012 will bring us even closer to Him. I will post more about resolutions later.
There are many wonderful New Year Challenges going on and I want to share them with you:
I am a leading a 31 Days to Clean Facebook Challenge. We will be using Sarah Mae’s 31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way . This will not just be about keeping our homes clean but will help us get our hearts right. You will need the book to follow along. We are going to move at a slower pace, because I have a hard time getting it accomplished in 31 days. I also need to accountability of others working to get their hearts and homes in order. I hope you will be able to join us.
My friend, Erin at The Humbled Homemaker, is leading a facebook group using the book Healthy Homemaking: One Step at a Time by Stephanie Langford. This is an excellent book that I am excited to start. In this book, Stephanie takes readers through weekly steps to creating healthier, more natural homes for their families. You can purchase the book here and request to join the Facebook group here.

On Friday, January 6, Andrea, of Frugally Sustainable, will start her readers on a 23-day journey to live more frugally! Find out more about the challenge here. Have you seen her new book, Simply Clean, about making natural cleaning supplies? This book is a must have for your home. Get your copy here.
Are you participating in any New Year’s Challenges?
I absolutely love it! SO sweet, just like you! xo
Aww, thank you so much! Looking forward to having it completed. Thanks for stopping by!
I really like it! Excited to see it once it is fully functional!! Praying for you this morning as you are working through the kidney stones!
Thank you so much! We are having more trouble than expected moving my blog over. I am excited to get it fully functioning again. I still have my kidney stones~thanks for your prayers!
It looks lovely!! The pink and green colors are charming!
Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comment!
Mary, It is simply beautiful…pink and green is one of my favorite combinations! I hope you are feeling better by now. I saw Kasey, comment that you still were experiencing kidney stones…I am so sorry, and I will resume prayer for you and your family! Thank you for sharing on ‘EOA’. I can’t wait to see the final outcome!
Mary, so pretty. Praying for you, too.